We are all here to support each other’s growth.
We are here when our infants take their wobbly steps, offering a word of encouragement or an actual hand of support. We are here when our babies grow into students, walking into the classroom in alternating fits of tears and exuberant smiles.
We are here when our teachers experience new classroom dynamics, pushing their pedagogical skills into unexplored territory. We are here when our teachers take the huge step of beginning graduate school, declaring themselves as committed lifelong learners.
We are here when our parents share advice on what to do when an only child turns into a big brother; when a toddler stalls in their potty training; when a 3yr old struggles with limits; when a 5yr old wants to learn how to read.
By being here for each other, we can help each other grow. We can strengthen our community. We can realize our potential.
Part of our commitment to our community is offering parents a place to grow together. The Parents Association has compiled a fantastic series of events this Winter and Spring with that purpose. Under the umbrella term "Parents Growing Together," these events are designed to fit the needs and wants of our parents. A list of these events is attached here; I am asking that you please review the many offerings and attend one, two, or several. If there are areas of growth as a parent that you are interested in but do not see here, please share with me. We are already looking forward to next year and what other rich offerings we can provide you with.
Then dean at Teachers College, Dr. Robert Schaefer once wrote, "How can children fully know the dynamism of learning if the adults around them stand still?" We grow not only for our own benefit, but so we can serve as models for our children. Imagine how your child will view their own growth if they hear you say, "I'm going to school to learn tonight/this morning. I love being your mommy/daddy, and I want to get even better at it."
I look forward to seeing you at some of these events and growing together.