Saying thank you

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, grow.” – The Talmud

This quote rests on my office bookshelf, on the front of a thank-you card given to me years ago by the parents of one of my 3yr old students. This card matters to me. I remember forming quite a strong relationship with the 3yr old boy, and being excited every single day to watch him grow.  And I remember never really knowing what his parents thought of me, of our class, and of the work we as teachers do. Then this card showed up, and it was clear as day.

I urge you to express your appreciation to your child’s teachers this holiday season.  Tell them they matter. Describe to them how your child counted down the days to this or that school celebration; explain how your child has grown under their watchful eye; share with them that your child plays “teacher” at home and mimics their every move; let them know how hard it is to give over your child to a new adult every day yet how much trust and faith you have in your teachers. 

Your feedback is what keeps us going. You are our strongest motivator. This single thank-you card, quoted above, became a mantra of mine and has never run out of that motivational juice I need in my work. Whenever I find myself frustrated or running out of steam, I turn around, read that card, and smile. Provide your child’s teachers with the same motivation. Show them how much they matter to your child and your family.

Join me during the holidays in thanking our classroom teachers for the love and devotion they bring to our children’s lives each and every day. While our school policy is that teachers receive monetary gifts through the PA only (to ensure parity), I invite you each to write a thank-you card (even better, with your child!) for your teachers. Small expressions of gratitude have a big impact.  They are what really keep us going.

Happy Chanukkah,
